The Work in Business

I have applied THE WORK to my accounting and consulting businesses for over six years now, experiencing remarkable benefits.   The peace I feel, as well as the changes I experience, are in direct relation to the resulting degree to which my mind is open to deal with that which is presented, in all areas of my life.  If I hold on to the mindset “I am right!” or “I am required to be right!” little space is left for a shift to occur, be it with situations or when interacting with others.  Doing THE WORK allows me to open to a place of personal clarity, freeing me from limiting mindsets and into a place of considering potential possibilities.  From this place, I can achieve both healthy decision-making and relations.  I credit The Work for contributing to maintaining a more peaceful ME in both my personal life and business.


Being Present to the Task At Hand


Mind-chatter is both time and energy consuming, as well as a distraction from being in the present moment.  Upon noticing that the mind is “doing its thing again”,  I give attention to these spinning thoughts by getting them out of my head and onto paper.  As I do THE WORK on them I experience more pleasant, enjoyable, and relaxed meetings and interactions with clients.  My experience has led me to the understanding that many of these thoughts unchecked are irrelevant and repetitive.  When I question them with THE WORK, many of these thoughts drop away leaving me feeling clear to deal with the important issues.  I am now more receptive and I hear what is being said during the meeting.  I can respond with greater clarity to the discussion at hand.  I am attentive to the details that move my contributions from good into great.



When I get judgemental thoughts about clients, co-workers and circumstances out of my head and onto paper, doing THE WORK on them helps to dissipate these judgements.  I can then present myself on equal ground to the people with whom I am working.

Staff We all have bad days, at home or at work.  When I get the story of these events out of my head and onto paper to question them with THE WORK, it leaves me more present and focussed at work. You too can support your staff by providing THE WORK.  It can contribute to their personal well-being, creating a happier, peaceful and focussed work environment.

Contact Lori to discuss a customized workshop to meet the specific needs of your business and/or  individual employee one-on-one sessions.

Contact Lori to Setup Your Appointment Now!